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Plant Mirror Reflection

Would you much rather do something yourself than let someone else do it?


Are you a bit cautious when it comes to trying new things, or putting yourself out there?


Perhaps you like your structure, your regularity, because it’s safe and familiar to you.


And maybe it’s easier to do things yourself, in your own way (even if it’s a LOT of work for you as one person), just so you can minimise the risk of messing anything up.


Because in your eyes, messing up isn’t an option.


Failure is not an option.


Does any of this sound familiar?


These traits are often associated with PERFECTIONISM.


Many people may identify as perfectionists, do you?


I have some thoughts on this…


Although we live in a society that champions going “above and beyond” and giving it “110%”, this actually fuels the OVER-STRIVING associated with perfectionism, which is the tendency to do anything at all costs in an attempt to meet extremely high standards, even if those standards are unrealistic or impossible to reach!


So while you may wear your perfectionism like a badge of honour, it likely isn’t honouring you.


In fact it’s probably contributing to:​

  • Mental fatigue and brain fog

  • Physical fatigue, which can lead to burnout

  • Missing opportunities in your career or personal life

  • Feeling like a failure (despite trying so hard NOT to fail)

  • Not making the impact you want in the world

  • Deep feelings of inadequacy which ripple out into all areas of your life

Hi, I'm Gabby

I'm a Naturopath and Emotion Release Technique (ERT) Practitioner supporting high achieving people to navigate perfectionism in their lives.

Coming from having my own struggles with perfectionism throughout childhood, adolescence, and into adulthood, I know it can feel like "second nature" to over-strive.

I also know how over-striving at all costs can damage our health, relationships, and rob us of opportunities in life, because I've experienced this myself.

Since discovering and learning how to use emotion release work clinically, I have found this is an absolute game-changer both for myself and the people I support in clinic.

The great thing about understanding how you think and why you think the way you do is not only the insights you gain about yourself, but most importantly, the power you gain to actively change your subconscious patterns.

I want to support you in releasing the old, familiar pattern of perfectionism and the underlying patterns fuelling it, so you can make space for new ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving which honour yourself and what you really need to thrive.

That's why I frequently run this free webinar to give you all the insights I've gained from my clinical understanding and experience helping people to process their own perfectionism patterns using ERT, as well as the insights I've picked up over the course of my entire life by navigating perfectionism myself.


Who is this webinar for?

The Perfectionism Puzzle Free Webinar is for you if:

  • You are a "high achiever" who is also never fully satisfied with your output, even when your peers comment on how well you've done

  • You're always moving onto the next thing, without celebrating how far you've come so far

  • You feel that perfectionism and over-striving are contributing to chronic stress in your life, but you don't really know what to do about it

  • You want to process the underlying thought patterns and beliefs which fuel perfectionism and the need to constantly strive

  • You want to learn some actionable steps you can take to start to change these patterns within yourself, so that you can improve your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing


The details

The Perfectionism Puzzle Free Live Webinar has concluded, however I may host another one in the future, so make sure you're following on Instagram, Facebook, or listening to the Revitalising Health Podcast to get updates on when I'll be running the next one.​

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